Thanks for stopping by Deb's Place. I'm a comedian, writer. stripper, brain surgeon. The love of my life died last year and it was beyond the worst awful--but then something miraculous happened--things of all sorts and textures started pouring, flying, vOMITINg out of me--(after a year of writer's block and bedpans).
I can't stop writing. I'm writing right now, in fact.

I even wrote a book this year, "A POKE IN THE EYE WITH A SHARP STICK, & Other Promises my Parents Made," a bunch of essays about my wild alcoholic family and growing up Joisey. Of course-- I had to wait for several people to die before I could write it--pretty friggin' raw.
I'm writing another one-woman show-- Chillax! I won't make you come.
Then I heard about these bloggy things that are all the rage--have you seen them?
Well.....this is mine
I gotta dash, if your attention span's like mine-- you're already searching Netflix--
so I'm talking to myself.
Is it too soon to say "I love you?"